The Collins Writing Program Online

About Collins Writing

The Collins Writing Program delivers high-quality, professional development to improve students’ written communication skills and build subject area knowledge. Our cross-curricular writing model has been used successfully by thousands of teachers and millions of students in K−12 classrooms for more than 30 years . . . long before state and national standards called for frequent writing in all subject areas.

Our Offerings

Our asynchronous courses are designed for self-paced learning. The Introduction to The Collins Writing Program course gives learners six hours of course content and associated resources. Facilitated by Dr. John Collins, the course provides an overview of The Collins Writing Program and its application in any classroom.

We also offer a video coaching series to accompany Writing Roadmap by Kristine Gibson.

About CIU 10

The courses are created and hosted by Central Intermediate Unit 10. Located in Pennsylvania, CIU 10 serves schools in Centre, Clearfield, and Clinton Counties. Pennsylvania teachers receive 6 hours of Act 48 credit from CIU 10 upon completing Introduction to the Collins Writing Program.

Act 48 hours are not available for other offerings, including Writing Roadmap.